332nd ARC Trooper

Created on 20th September 2021

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Warstorm Veteran's Helmet

Primary Light Orange Dye Module

Holoshield Trooper's Chestpiece

Medium Blue and White Dye Module

Havoc Squad Bracers

Medium Blue and White Dye Module

Havoc Squad Gauntlets

Medium Blue and White Dye Module

Holoshield Trooper's Belt

Black and White Dye Module

Tribal Champion's Greaves

Black and Medium Blue Dye Module

Havoc Squad Boots

White and Deep Blue Dye Module


Advanced Ocean Blue Indestructible Crystal

Strap Attachment Tuning

GR-9 Plasma Blaster

Advanced Ocean Blue Indestructible Crystal

Laser Weapon Tuning


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20th September 2021

Still the best trooper set

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